Joyous Misfit
It's more than coaching,
It's more than a photoshoot,
It's more than a podcast...
it's an Awakening

Founder of Joyous Misfit & The Pleasure Academy
Sensual Somatic Coach, Photographer & Speaker
"The Joyous Misfit is multi-passionate creatrix, the wild one, the one who longs for adventure, who relishes her own pleasure, who explores and seeks to find her place in the world... she is divine, she is empowered, she is a Goddess...
She lives a perfectly imperfect, sensual life. A beautiful experience led by her heart, her soul, her pleasure, her joy...
I am the joyous misfit.
Are you?"

Hi, I'm Emma
I am a Trauma Informed, Sensual Somatic Coach, Mentor, Speaker & Photographer...
Why Sensual Somatic?
Somatic coaching is a way of guiding you to tune into your body to get to the root of mindset problems, patterns, thoughts or any other areas that you feel stuck. The physical sensations act as a way of extracting wisdom about what you want and need, and you learn how to listen to and activate this for yourself. Sensual Somatics takes a pleasure-centered approach towards your healing and evolution. It reconnects you with your body through the power of sensuality and allows you to utilise your body as a tool to program new beliefs and habits. When you are tuned into your unique Pleasure Code TM, this can create new neurological pathways, regulating the nervous system, so that every micro-action that you take is towards your elevated self and the life that you want to create.
What does that all mean?
Here's the nitty gritty:
I am an ICF Certified Somatic, Trauma Informed Coach meaning that I specialise in shifting mindset, releasing trauma, and regulating the nervous system through working with the body.
I am trained in Brain Spotting phase 1 which is a an advanced brain-body therapy that focuses on identifying, processing, and releasing trauma through fixed eye position.
I am a qualified & experienced professional Teacher, Facilitator & Mentor since 2006, specialising in the power of creativity to support and advance growth mindset & learning.
And I am a Level 1 Reiki practitioner, meaning that I am able to use a combination of energy work, alongside brain and body therapy to support you to transform.
In a nutshell, I have a trained for many years to develop my expertise and experience so that I can hold an incredibly supportive and nurturing space for you to both heal and transform, as well as learning and continuing to develop all the expertise I need to help you to build your own tool box that you can utilise for the rest of your life after working with me.
Put simply though, on a heart & soul level, I am a Multi-Passionate Creatrix, a Joyous Misfit, living a heart-led life through Pleasure, Purpose and Play. And I am here to help YOU create a life that you love! A life that turns you on...
Everything that I offer you, whether it is the space I hold for you, my words & guidance to support your growth, the sensual portrait that I take of you, or any of the healing or motivation that I facilitate for you, is here to inspire you, to show you the beauty within yourself and to elevate you to the next level. My mission is to provide you with your unique Pleasure Code TM path to your own transformation - to give you the clarity and awareness to enable you to fall in love with yourself and your life.
I want to ignite you to live fully and playfully, led by your unique pleasure and purpose, because when you do, not only do you elevate yourself and your life, you lift and inspire those around you as well!
My life's journey, which I describe below, has led to a burning passion to support as many women as possible across the globe, to free themselves from the 'good girl' labels, the 'shoulds', the expectations, the people pleasing and the perfectionism, so that they can create a life that turns them on.
I am devoted to the practise of a pleasure led life to heal, transform and awaken your understanding of yourself, and the world around you. The pleasure method can evoke empathy, form new ideas and create change in the life you choose to live like nothing you've seen before. It is a path to healing, transformation evolution that has the power to create so much beauty and joy in your life, and can hold and guide you through your darkest days...
Put simply, leading from your pleasure is ESSENTIAL to a whole and fulfilled human experience.
The question is, are you ready to choose yourself, and in doing so, gift the magic of your power to the world?

My Story
PLEASURE is the ultimate act of rebellion
Let me explain... this one sentence holds full of the power of everything that I have lived, and therefore everything that I do!
Although I have been in business now for over a decade, my journey truly started in 2020. That was the year that I had a mental breakdown. Yes, that's right, a fully fledged, non-stop crying, couldn't talk, couldn't even breathe, breakdown. I was lost. FULLY lost. I had lost my sense of self, my purpose. I was over-worked, overwhelmed and exhausted by what my life had become! I didn't know what I wanted, who I was and I certainly had absolutely no idea of the journey I was about to take.
This was my lowest point. I had reached my late 30's and I had reached a point where I had no idea who I was. During the previous 15 years, I had followed the formula of all the 'shoulds' that society deems correct and good. I had studied to post-graduate level, I had secured a 'stable' and 'reliable' job, with good benefits and a pension, I had met a man and fell in love, together we bought a house, nurtured our pets, got married, had babies, and even reached our 10 year wedding anniversary.... and CRASH! I had done everything right! I had followed the rule book, followed the formula for a 'happy life' - but I had become more lost, alone and unclear than I had ever been in my life! Put simply, I had lost myself.
I had been so focused on building the 'perfect' life, that I had neglected myself, my needs and wants, until I got to a point that my body stopped functioning.
I see this now as the beginning of my story. Over the course of the next 2 years, I focused my attention on 'unlearning' everything that I had been programmed to believe was correct, and re-learning who I was. I begun to untangle myself from the 'shoulds' that I had created, the people pleasing, so that I could start to become the true me. I left my career of 15 years that was breaking me mentally, I left my marriage which had become unhealthy and toxic, I left my home of 13 years that I had literally built a part of, I left other relationships, friendships, that brought me pain, I left the old me and started living a life that brought me joy. I became clear on my mission, my purpose, and what I wanted to do with this one precious life. I am now living life on MY terms, in MY home, actually having fun with my beautiful children, and I am filled with love and joy everyday. And the cherry on top, is that I am doing this - my beautiful business, that makes my heart sing. Although my journey, like any growth, was painful, I wouldn't change any of it. It means that I am here now, guiding women (like you) to see the beauty within themselves. By loving - loving yourself, loving your relationships, loving what you do, loving your home, your environment, loving your life - you are choosing yourself... and this truly is, the ultimate act of rebellion!
Who are you?

"There is a duality in us all, all the time. We get to hold both. The loving, caring, Earth mother AND the raw, sexual, wild woman.
Having the courage to embrace ALL of who you are is the tipping point. It is the most courageous thing you can do. That is where you get to create a life that you love."

She's loving, caring, nurturing...
...She's a wild, sexy, Goddess
The Big O Podcast
The Big O Podcast is the living, beating heart of everything I offer...
It explores ways to elevate yourself into a place of personal power, through Creativity, Wild self-love and Awakening to your own pleasure through the feminine energy of flow, so that you can embody the Wild Goddess that you truly are.
It's time for you to get turned on by your life and experience the Big O.